Tuesday, November 30, 2010

At Conrado Barrios Memorial School in Roxas City

Third Grade students

We celebrated our fifth year at Conrado Barrios Memorial School, the first school we visited 5 years ago when we distributed school supplies to 20 of the most disadvantaged children.  This year we reached out to 600 children, thanks to the generous contributions of friends and family.

First Honor Students

New this year was the awarding of backpacks to 20 deserving children who were ranked first in their class for academic excellence. Thanks to the generosity of Rosemary Driscoll and her family and friends, these kids received much needed backpacks. The awarding of backpacks took place on school grounds in front of all the students. The Principal encouraged all the kids to study hard so they will also receive backpacks in the future.

Kids and teachers gather for flag ceremony

There are 3 sections each for first through 5th grades and two sections for 6th grade. Kindergarten is divided into the morning and afternoon sessions with a total of 60 kids enrolled. There are 130 first graders and an equal number in second grade, 135 third graders, 114 in fourth grade and 105 in fifth grade. There are 114 students in the graduating class of 6th graders.  There were several students who missed school during the 2 days when we were distributing the school kits. Extra supplies were left with the Principal and all the rest were sent to the schoolchildren on Olotayan Island. (I will feature this separately.)

Fourth graders

School kits include pens, pencils, crayons, and pad paper or notebook.  We had question and answer sessions in every class and students who gave the correct answer were given prizes like pencil cases, scissors, colored pencils, calculators, notebooks, extra pad paper. All the kids raised their hands excitedly to answer questions in Math or History and in some sections, we asked the kids to sing or recite a poem. It was all so heartwarming.

First grade students

Thank you to all the generous people who support Balay ni Charie including Diana Acas and Family, Rose Driscoll and her friends and family, Gilda Ramirez Saluta, Bock Loo, Teresa Smith, Dita De Jose, Gabriel Gonzalez, Ditas Fuentes, Anthony Albar, JR Jen, Monique Alberjieun, and all the people who helped us distribute the school kits at the different schools we visited recently and in the past years.

We hope to return next year to Conrado Barrios Memorial School. The kids are waiting for us.

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Images by Charie

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Preparing for our Fifth Year

In November I will be distributing school supplies in Roxas City at one of the grade schools. There are about 600 students currently enrolled at the school and my goal is to give school supplies to all the children. So I started early this year and asked my friends and family for help and they have responded so generously. The photo above shows some of the donated school supplies. I have at least two big boxes full to send to the Philippines at the end of September.

Thank you everyone for your overwhelming generosity. The children are blessed by your magnanimity. And you are doubly blessed for your kindheartedness.

"The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving." Albert Einstein

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Image by Charie