Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sewing Machines for the Home Economics Class

Dao Central Elementary School

Last July when I was distributing school supplies in Ilas Norte in Dao, Capiz, one of the teachers from Dao Central School asked me to donate a sewing machine for her Home Economics class. I had a portable sewing machine at home which I had never used so I promised to give her that machine.

But as luck would have it, I received a generous donation from Diana Acas and her family and friends so I was able to get a manual Singer sewing machine for the kids to use in class. Prior to receiving this sewing machine, the kids were shown photos of a sewing machine to learn its parts. They never had hands on training. Until now.

These kids attended the turnover ceremony prepared by Mrs. Rose Dalid and other teachers at Dao Central School. They are the students from the Home Economics class under Mrs. Dalid.

My donors and I believe that learning a craft or trade will benefit these children who may not otherwise be able to continue through high school. At the very least, they will learn to sew for themselves and hopefully help them make a living.

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Images by Charie

Agoho Elementary School, Pan-ay, Capiz

This is the first time Balay ni Charie gave school supplies to the children at Agoho Elementary School in Panay. There were approximately 340 students who received notebooks, pens and pencils. Some of the kids earned a backpack or calculator of one of many prizes by demonstrating their spelling ability.

The shy little kid above won a backpack for spelling "malakas" (strong) correctly.

These bright siblings (from different grades) spelled Philippines correctly. Congratulations to all the winners!

I was touched by the drawing of the students of Balay ni Charie. What a beautiful house it is surrounded by flowers and trees!  (Balay is Capiznon for house.)

Thanks to all our donors especially Diana Acas and her family and friends and Leda Albar for the backpacks. God bless you all.

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Images by Charie