Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Wishing you each and everyone, peace and joy.

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Image by Charie
Card by Photo2cards for IPAD

Sunday, December 11, 2011

At Lacaron Elementary School in Dao, Capiz

It took a week for the floodwaters to subside so we could get to Lacaron Elementary School in Dao. The roads were muddy and slippery in some areas and thanks to our driver we got there safely.

The children were well behaved and quiet. They each received a notebook and pens from Balay ni Charie. They were a little shy raising their hands when I asked them to spell some words and write them on the blackboard. But they were all delighted with the prizes for each correct spelling - crayons, scissors, sharpeners, pencil cases with pens, pencils, erasers, and rulers. First graders were asked to spell boy, girl, cat and jam. Third graders were asked to spell family, friends and school. Fifth and sixth graders were asked to spell Philippines or Republic of the Philippines.  It was delightful to see the focus every child gave to the word they were asked to spell.

Teachers and staff at Lacaron Elementary School

The teachers treated us to early lunch with adobo, soup, balut and kutshinta (a Pilipino "kakanin" and a specialty of Lacaron). We were famished after distributing school supplies to about 250 children. But it went smoothly, thanks to the principal and teachers for facilitating the event.

I am grateful to all the people who donated school supplies and who continue to support Balay ni Charie including Diana Acas and her family and friends, Rosemary Driscoll, Leda Albar, Ditas Fuentes, Ray Wong and Bock Loo.

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Images by Charie

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Sewing Machines for the Home Economics Class

Dao Central Elementary School

Last July when I was distributing school supplies in Ilas Norte in Dao, Capiz, one of the teachers from Dao Central School asked me to donate a sewing machine for her Home Economics class. I had a portable sewing machine at home which I had never used so I promised to give her that machine.

But as luck would have it, I received a generous donation from Diana Acas and her family and friends so I was able to get a manual Singer sewing machine for the kids to use in class. Prior to receiving this sewing machine, the kids were shown photos of a sewing machine to learn its parts. They never had hands on training. Until now.

These kids attended the turnover ceremony prepared by Mrs. Rose Dalid and other teachers at Dao Central School. They are the students from the Home Economics class under Mrs. Dalid.

My donors and I believe that learning a craft or trade will benefit these children who may not otherwise be able to continue through high school. At the very least, they will learn to sew for themselves and hopefully help them make a living.

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Images by Charie

Agoho Elementary School, Pan-ay, Capiz

This is the first time Balay ni Charie gave school supplies to the children at Agoho Elementary School in Panay. There were approximately 340 students who received notebooks, pens and pencils. Some of the kids earned a backpack or calculator of one of many prizes by demonstrating their spelling ability.

The shy little kid above won a backpack for spelling "malakas" (strong) correctly.

These bright siblings (from different grades) spelled Philippines correctly. Congratulations to all the winners!

I was touched by the drawing of the students of Balay ni Charie. What a beautiful house it is surrounded by flowers and trees!  (Balay is Capiznon for house.)

Thanks to all our donors especially Diana Acas and her family and friends and Leda Albar for the backpacks. God bless you all.

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Images by Charie

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lawis Day Care Center, Roxas City

This is my first visit to a day care center. There are 48 children enrolled in two sessions at Lawis Day Care Center in Baybay, Roxas City - one in the morning and one in the afternoon.  The ages of the children range from 3 to 5 years old.  Balay ni Charie gave each of the kids notebooks and pencils. Some of the boys received white T shirts thanks to the generosity of Teresa Smith.  The center also  received crayons and plastic numbers and letters for use in class instruction.

The children in the center receive instruction in writing and they enjoy listening to their teacher's story telling. They also have creative projects using clay. There are two other day care centers in Baybay which I would like to visit on my next trip.

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Images by Charie 

Olotayan Elementary School, Olotayan Island

Olotoyan Island is a 40-minute boat ride away from Banica pier in Roxas City. Students at Olotayan Elementary School came to school on a Saturday morning to receive school supplies and slippers from Balay ni Charie. Not everyone received slippers to the dismay of the other kids. We only had enough for one class. The rest of the kids received crayons, rulers and pencil cases.  The City of Roxas had previously given the schoolchildren their school supplies so Balay ni Charie gave school items and accessories that were not included in the City's school pack. Some of the kids who won our spelling and math contests received backpacks, books and markers. Here's one of the kids who received a backpack. She won the spelling contest.

These happy children received slippers, thanks to the generosity of Rosemary Driscoll.

About 160 children in Olotayan Island were the beneficiaries of Balay ni Charie School Supplies Program. I hope to return to this beautiful place and give slippers to all the children.

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Images by Charie

Back in Ilas Norte Elementary School in Dao, Capiz

6th Grade students at Ilas Norte 
After two years since we last visited Ilas Norte Elementary School in Dao, Capiz, I went back to distribute school supplies last June, the beginning of the 2011 school year. Some 348 children from Kindergarten to 6th grade received notebooks, pens, pencils, and crayons. I  also conducted a spelling and math contest at each class and gave away pencil cases, colored pencils, project folders, erasers and pencil sharpeners to the winners.

Ilas Norte Elementary School
Thanks to Ray Wong for  his most  generous donation, Balay ni Charie was able to give school supplies to all the students.

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Images by  Charie

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Balay ni Charie Goes to Olotayan Island

Early this month, Filomena Bolaño Beluso, traveled to Olotayan Island (which is across from Panay Island to the northeast), to distribute school supplies to the children there on behalf of  Balay ni Charie. She visited the second grade class shown here holding the notebooks and pencils they received from Balay ni Charie. Students from other classes received pencils. There are about 170 schoolchildren on the island. It's my fervent hope that we will be able to give all the kids the tools they need so they can stay in school.

The school staff drew this little nipa hut to represent Balay ni Charie (balay means house). It's a warm and welcoming house which serves the needs of young and disadvantaged students in various towns in Capiz. Thanks to Ms. Beluso (shown above) for making this visit to Olotayan Island and extending help to the kids through our program.
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Photos  by Charie