Sunday, November 24, 2013

Post Typhoon Haiyan Report

Many schools in Capiz were ravaged recently by super typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda). More than 150,000 families were displaced, particularly those living in the coastal areas.  The children are just now returning to school after nearly three weeks since Haiyan made landfall in Capiz on November 8th. Quite a few schools were leveled or lost their roofs and textbooks were either waterlogged or swept by floodwaters.

Don Nicanor Escutin Elementary School students

I was in Duyoc, Dao last October where I distributed school supplies to 350 children at the Don Nicanor Escutin Memorial School which is in the middle of rice fields. Dao was inundated after heavy rainfall which followed 195mph winds. Ilas Norte Elementary School, also in Dao, where I gave school supplies in 2009 and 2011, was devastated. The picture below is reposted from Capiz Press Bureau and shows the extent of damage to classrooms and other buildings. 

Ilas Norte Elementary School
Photo by the Social Doctor @DocBIENevolent
As posted by Capiz Press Bureau on Facebook

There's a great need for school supplies to help the kids go back to school. If you would like to help, please contact  Or you may donate to World Food Program at

Here's an account of the state of schools in Capiz. The title of this article says it all - Empty School Chairs Sign of Tragedy.

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