Tuesday, October 08, 2019

BalayniCharie Report for June 2019 - Sept. 2019

Canuto Fuentes Elementary School

The start of the 2019-2020 school year in the Philippines was a frenzy of preparations for BalayniCharie. We reached out to 15 schools and communities in Capiz beginning in June. BalayniCharie is celebrating its 14th year of giving school supplies to elementary school students in Capiz, thanks to our generous sponsors. We are excited to celebrate our 15th year of service to the Capiz community in 2020. 

Panfilo Mendoza Elementary School

These were the schools we visited:
  1. Balaring Elementary School - Ivisan - June 4, 2019
  2. Sinandigan Elem School - Sigma - June 7, 2019
  3. Cabugao Elem School - Panitan - June 10, 2019
  4. Agbatuan Elem School - Dumarao - June 13, 2019
  5. Alipaciawan Elem School - Dumarao - June 13, 2019
  6. Madulano Elem School - President Roxas - June 20, 2019
  7. Valentin Punsalan Elem School - Pilar - July 1, 2019
  8. Canuto Fuentes Elem School - Sibaguan - July 12, 2019
  9. Panfilo Mendoza Elem School - Ivisan - August 6, 2019
  10. Culasi Day Care Center - August 7, 2019
  11. Carida Elem School - Tapaz - August 15, 2019
Culasi Day Care Center

List of communities we visited:

Story telling at Gawad Kalinga with Christian George Francisco Acevedo
  1. Gawad Kalinga (GK) - Dinginan - June 23, 2019
  2. Ati and Panay Bukidnon Communities - Dumarao - July 6,  2019
  3. Juvenile Crisis Center - Roxas City - Sept. 5, 2019
Books from Amy and Nathan of California 
(photo courtesy of Abner Abs)

Book Donation:
  1. Duluan Elementary School - Maayon - June 22, 2019
Shoes from Smiley and Kai Rice and Shoes Program

Many thanks to all our sponsors who made these school supplies distribution possible: Gary and Nancy Steele, Dr. Lilia Chung, Diane and Mon Acas, Smiley and Kai Rice and Shoes Program, Amy and Nathan for the book donation, and all our event coordinators especially Clara Salame, TinTin Alvarez, Dolly Buday, Quitty Gadian, Christian George Francisco Acevedo, Ryan de la Luna and all the principals and teachers for the smooth operation of these distributions. 


Images by  BalayniCharie Foundation 

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

2018-2019 School Year Report

As the school year 2018-19 draws to a close, BalayniCharie Foundation is happy to conclude another successful season of giving school supplies to elementary school students in Capiz. Twelve schools and a day care center were the beneficiaries of the 2018-2019 school year. Here is the list of schools we visited:
1.  San Esteban Elementary School In Pilar, Capiz
2.  Dolores Elementary School in Dumalag
3.  San Jose Elementary School in Dumalag
4.  Maninang Elementary School in Sapian
5.  Culasi Elementary School in Sapian
6.  Jesus G. AlbaƱa School in Panitan
7.  Agoho Elementary School in Pan-ay
8.  Tapulang Elementary School in Maayon
9.  Duluan Integrated School in Maayon
10. Lacaron Elementary School in Dao
11. Ameligan Elementary School in Pontevedra
12. Nipa Day Care Culasi, Roxas City

Maninang Elem School
We also had the opportunity to give school supplies to some thirty students in Mararison, Antique. That happened when we were enjoying the white sand beach of this beautiful island and the hike up to Mararison Elementary School.

San Jose Elem School
About 1,860 children received school supplies during the 2018-2019 school year from BalayniCharie. We are grateful to all the donors and friends who continue to support BalayniCharie most especially to Gary and Nancy Steele, Diane and Mon Acas, Rudynelia Valencia, Monike Alberjeun, Nieva Burdick, Consuelo Almonte, Nathan, Amy and Michael, Smiley and Kai Rice and Shoes Program, Leda Albar, Rick Albar and Jasmin Declaro. You keep us going. We look forward to 2019-2020 school year and our 14th year of providing school supplies to the children in Capiz.

Thank you Smiley and Kai Rice and Shoes Program


Images by BalayniCharie